Sunday, February 25, 2007

:::AIR FRANCE 358::..:.

…I WAS there. Both days (August 2 - 3, 2005). This was the day after the accident.

"680 NEWS…Air France Crash update!"

Blah…blah…blah…(but in the background I hear…"the bus for the photographers leaves in 10 minutes!")

Can I make it? I just happen to be one exit past the airport.

Well I did. As you can see…

The WEATHER CHANNEL used over 20 of my photographs for their special segment on the "weather-related" crash of Air France 358…but NEVER DID settle up!

They had no problem using my photos…just a problem in paying.


The "little guys" are always more honest.

I'LL LET EVERYONE know how it goes in court this spring!

MORE Air France Flight 358 CRASH INFO:

THE BIGGEST Toronto AIR DISASTER was in 1970, SEE:

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